About Sdn Bhd (Private Limited) in Malaysia

Sendirian Berhad (Sdn Bhd) is a Private Limited company limited by shares in Malaysia, and this type of Malaysia Company cannot be publicly traded.

Sdn Bhd is one of the most common types of business entity in Malaysia & can be incorporated with SSM Malaysia through the licensed company secretary (MalaysiaCo is licensed by SSM to register company in Malaysia for our clients).

The Companies Act 2016 stated:
“A company having a share capital may be incorporated as a private company (identified through the words ‘Sendirian Berhad’ or ‘Sdn. Bhd.’ appearing together with the company’s name) or public company ‘Berhad’ or ‘Bhd’ appearing together with the company’s name).”

Appointment of director by the board of directors - malaysiaco.com.my

Appointment of director by board of directors

Reasons on the appointment of director by board of directors The board of directors can appoint a person to fill a casual vacancy. Casual vacancy of […]
Resignation of director in Malaysia - malaysiaco.com.my

The resignation of director

A resignation of director can be effected by the existing director tendering his resignation to the board of directors. You can have an existing director resigned […]
How to remove shareholder from a sdn bhd - malaysiaco.com.my

How to remove shareholder from a Sdn Bhd?

Shareholders can leave a company at any time for several reasons: it may be to remove shareholder from a company, recoup investment or as a result […]
how to appoint new director in Malaysia 3 - malaysiaco.com.my

How to appoint new director in Malaysia

This article will illustrate how to appoint new director to the Sdn Bhd Company. In order to register company in Malaysia, it is required to have at […]

Responsibilities of a company director

Why is it important to understand the responsibilities of a company director? Because the directors are entrusted by the shareholders to drive the company a great […]