We have registered more than 3,000 companies for our clients!

At RM320 only, we can help you to register company (sdn bhd) at the most affordable way. No contract No binding. 3 Years same price guarantee. 

We have done it! Our number of clients speak for our capability & seriousness in delivering our promises.

The Best & Fastest Company Incorporation Services in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Malaysia with promise no hidden costs and tricky add-ons for opening a company in Malaysia.

Call us today @ 03-7710 8929 / 03-7729 7018.

We have registered more than 3,000 companies for our clients!
Company Registration Setup Cost: RM980
Company Registration Setup Cost: RM320
1. Certificate of Incorporation (Section 17) included
2. Appointment of 1 or 2 persons as new directors & shareholders
3. Issue of ordinary shares (paid-up capital) at min. RM1 or up to max. RM1,000
Important Notes:
1. You must subscribe our Incorporation Package to enjoy above price.
2. You can choose to register new Sdn Bhd with 1 director & 1 shareholder.
3. If 1st name search application rejected by SSM, RM80 for additional name search.
4. No constitution will be adopted & Constitution in the Companies Act 2016 shall apply.
5. Name approved is reserved for 30 days only
Secretarial Package for new company
1. First 12 months Named Secretary Fees (RM50 x 12 months)         600.00
2. Name tag for display at Registered Office            –
3. Supply, update & storage of ROC files, Minutes & Register Books.            –
4. Name application fee for 1 name search            –
5. Admin fee of RM10 payable to SSM            –
6. Use of NBC office as your company’s registered office (but not Business Office)            –   
7. Appointment of 1st company secretaries after registration            –   
8. All board resolutions for opening bank & internet accounts (For 1 bank only)            –   
9. Preparation of minute for First Board Meeting            –
10. 3 sets Certified True Copied (CTC) documents            –


Company Registration Setup Cost RM320
Government SSM Filing Fees RM1,010
1 year secretarial fee (RM50/mth) RM600
TOTAL *RM1,930

*After SST = RM2,000


Non-refundable deposit of RM500

Proposed company name

Business activities of new company

ICs of directors & shareholders

Residential & Email addresses of directors & shareholders

Detail of paid-up capital (RM1 – RM1,000)

No. of Shares of each shareholder

What do we need to register new company?

Just email the proof of payment, ICs & above information to us, your company will soon be ready!

IMPORTANT: All the above are subject to terms & conditions, please request & read full package proposal from us before confirming our service.

The requirements to register company (Sdn Bhd) are:

1. a minimum paid-up capital of RM1 only
2. a minimum of one (1) subscriber to the share(s) of the company
3. a minimum of one director who are at least 18 years of age and are residing in Malaysia. He/she is not a bankrupt and has not been convicted and imprisoned for a period of past 5 years.
4. a minimum of one Company Secretary (Company Secretary must be a member of any one of the prescribed professional bodies or licensed by the SSM).
5. must have a registered office in Malaysia to which all communications and notices may be addressed. It is normal practice in Malaysia to have the secretarial office as the registered office. (This is included as part of our Company Secretarial Services)

Our Named Secretary Services includes the following:-

1. Acting as named Corporate secretary by our qualified professional staff (Malaysian)
2. Safekeep company common seal, if any
3. Maintaining the Minutes and Register Books
4. Advice on secretarial/statutory/compliance/accounting/tax/GST matters
5. Monitoring and ensuring compliance with relevant legal requirements, particularly under the Companies Act and Income Tax Act. Regular compliance alert via email.
6. Provision of registered office address

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long will the company‘s name be reserved by SSM?

An approved company name will be reserved by SSM for a period of 30 days and registration must be completed within the time frame.

Should you fail to complete your company registration within the 30 days period due to your failure to execute/sign the registration documents OR fail to make the full balance payment to us after signing, we shall assume you have aborted the registration. Deposit paid will be forfeited.

Does this package include any company address services?

As part of the package, we offer free of charge to use our office premise as your company’s registered office but we PROHIBIT you from using it as the business office address of your Company.

We DO NOT accept any responsibilities or damages arising from the use of our office as the business address or correspondence address of any company.

When can I start trading through my new company?

You can begin trading after the notice of registration has been issued by SSM. This usually takes about 3-5 working days after all documents are signed & full balance payment has been made, depending on the stability of SSM’s MyCoID system & SSM officers’ current workload.

Normally, it will take 8-12 working days to get your new company incorporated, subject to all possible delay from different situations.

How much I need to pay every year to maintain a company?

A dormant company (no activity, no sales/purchases or no assets) should get ready at least RM3,000 yearly to engage services from professional firms (audit, tax, secretary & account) to comply with all statutory requirements (LHDN & SSM).

Please click here for more details:
Yearly maintainance cost for a sdn bhd

Call us today to register company with the lowest package price in Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya & Malaysia!

Call us today to register company with the lowest package price in Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya & Malaysia!

03-7729 7018

(Malaysian) info@malaysiaco.com.my